Have You Ever Felt Like Something's Missing, But You Can't Quite Articulate What It Might Be?

You're not alone.

Self Awareness Is A Key To Leadership Success in 2024 and Beyond.

Leaders dedicated to the transformation of their workplaces and communities are those who understand that they need to go first in their own transformational journey.

Join Jodee Bock for the REAL Me: Intensive Course 
where Self-Awareness means learning:

How To Silence That Inner Critic Preventing You From Living Your Best Life ...

(...even if you have no idea how to do that ... YET.)


If It Feels Like Things Keep Happening To Prevent You From Being Your Best Self ...

... Learn How Other Whole-Hearted Regular Humans Just Like You Are Using 4 Simple Strategies to Step into Their Greatness and Share Influence, Impact, and Inspiration at Work and at Home.

Very few people actually invest the time and money it takes to understand more about the only person they have 100% control over: themselves. Instead they spend time complaining about what's wrong with everyone else.

There MUST be another way. 

The REAL Me: Intensive Course is another way. This POWERFUL 6-week journey will challenge you to move into your greatness to work through your own limiting beliefs and step into that power in a way that connects you with your people. 

 A breakthrough in your personal life requires brutal honesty about how things are for you. What are your frustrations and your fears? What is holding you back from being REAL in your life? The more you dig into the shadows of your insecurities and insufficiencies, the bigger the breakthrough you’ll have in your leadership, your communication and your connection with others. 

While applying carries with it no obligation to register for the course, the assessment is crucial so that we know if we're a fit for each other. This process will shine a light on what has been holding you back and help you get access to what will set you free.


Can You Relate?

You've been studying and reading and watching and listening to books and documentaries that are expanding your awareness, but The Bachelor and Netflix are holding the attention of your peers and dominating the conversations around you. That is madness. It's what happens outside of you. But what it creates in you is your own misery. It probably touches on an untrue core belief like "I don't belong" or "I'm not worthy." And how does that feel?

Those things that used to light you up are now causing you to dim. It almost feels as if your light is blinding others instead of drawing them in. There is madness around that which creates in you the misery of playing small. That feels suffocating.

All those people around you who are content to stay where you were are letting you know they think you're nuts for taking the leap to explore. Even though it wasn't perfect, where you were - and where they still are - is fine. It's familiar. They know the routine. Maybe they're right. Maybe you are crazy for trying to do things differently. For questioning. For wanting to know more.

You are feeling an inner pull to bring more of yourself to all the places you show up, including work and home and community. You want to be connected, but it feels like your message is falling on deaf ears. It feels like you know something but have no idea how to share it, or even who to share it with. You get upset with co-workers who do seem to be heard, and you end up retreating so you can at least be right about something: that you really aren't being heard because you just aren't speaking.

If any of those statements feel even remotely familiar to you, and if you are ready to shed some light on those places, allow Jodee to be your guide. Rest assured: you are definitely not alone.

Let's See If We're A Fit

You wouldn't want to make a commitment to someone or something before you're sure if it's a good fit. So let's find out if we're right for each other. Answering these questions will give both of us a chance to see if now is the time for us to work together.

"You are enough. You have enough. You do enough. Just as you are right now."

Sometimes you just need to hear that from someone else. And then to realize, at the same paradoxical time, that it's OK to be content, but never to be satisfied.

Nature is creative - always striving to grow. And, as a creative being, your nature is toward growth. Yet sometimes it might feel as if you are on an island by yourself, wondering why no one else seems to notice that something's missing.

Are you behind the curve, not fitting in to the way most others seem to see things?

Or could it be that you're ahead?

This six-week REAL Me: Intensive course will connect you with others who are on similar journeys. Just knowing you aren't alone will provide you with lots of space and breathing room to explore and get beyond the SHOULDS to the MUSTS in all aspects of your life.

Learn how YOUR PLAYING SMALL is ripping off the people in your life, stealing your confidence ...

(...AND ultimately costing you influence and impact)

Uncover your limiting beliefs and dive deep into what makes you YOU. It is possible to live the life you know you were meant to live by digging in and shining light on those places you feel are nagging at you to give them some attention.


Unleash Your Personal POWER!

The REAL Me: Intensive Course is a 6-week, 2 hours per week LIVE course where you will move through your blocks and limiting beliefs, and OWN your GREATNESS ...

...(even if it feels a little out of your comfort zone.)

You will do this with a cohort of no more than 10 people who are on a similar journey to experiencing JOY and FULFILLMENT by learning what it means to be REAL: Radical, Energized, Authentic, and Learning-focused.

This course is not for everyone. We need to be a fit for each other. So filling out the application questions is simply a way for us to find out. There is no obligation as you explore your readiness to get REAL by clicking on the APPLY NOW button below.


Jodee Bock is your guide.

Jodee Bock is an accidental entrepreneur who left Corporate America so she could help others stay: Stay ENGAGED, Stay INSPIRED, and Stay RELEVANT.

Jodee is a certified Life Purpose and Career Coach with more than 20 years experience both inside organizations as an employee and also as a consultant and facilitator.

Her course REAL Me: Intensive is the first in a series of courses designed to assist heart-centered leaders in being all they can be without also getting burned up or burned out in the process.

She will share her lived experiences while guiding participants to share their own experiences to get to their own Truths in a safe and nurturing environment.

If you think you might be interested in Getting REAL with a group of like-minded and like-hearted others, let's see if we're a fit for each other. 

There is no obligation in completing the application process and you just might learn a bit more about yourself as you answer the questions!

What You Can Expect

Here is a brief overview of each week's agenda.

Week 1: WAKE UP

This session reminds you that if you want to actually LIVE the life of your dreams, you have to wake up and take action.

Week 2: Get RADICAL

Radical actually means to get to the root of what makes you tick. You can't do better until you know better. 


When you focus on what you truly desire, you can connect with magnetic energy, and when you need to, you can also direct your energy into a more dynamic state.


In this session you learn to let go of who you think you're supposed to be and embrace who you really are.


This session explores the way we've learned and been conditioned. We talk about being open or fixed in your mindset.

Week 6: Define Your DESTINY

In this session you create a statement that will guide you in living the life you know you were created to live.

"Having a safe space to grow, shine, water, and repeat has helped me not only in my professional life, but in my personal life as well. I gained insight and self-reflection and am no longer putting myself last."

Melissa Simanek
People Leader

"I feel like my path has been lit up, thanks to Jodee's guidance. I still don't have all the answers, but I know I'm on my way with a small group right beside me. Best feeling EVER!"

Nicole Ellis
Marketing Manager

"I walked away with items I could take action on and not just head knowledge. Jodee shed light and gave words to ideas and concepts I have been thinking about but couldn't quite articulate and now I have the language to better speak 'ME.'"

Kelly Meyer
Life and Career Coach

What You Will Receive:

Six 2-Hour LIVE Trainings

This 6-week intensive study includes presentation and dialogue to help clarify new and existing ideas and mindsets. Practical assignments we call MECHANICS allow you to utilize the learning immediately upon completion of each session.

You can watch and re-watch the trainings because they are available for you on-demand any time.

With weekly sessions that include training as well as interactive live Q&A, you get the answers and ideas you need to build a solid understanding about your leadership and your communication that help you build skills in both areas.

In this type of intensive program, you graduate with an ownership of your own greatness and learn how you can more effectively impact others.

Two Private One-on-One Coaching Sessions

If you're like many people - me included - you've spent lots of time and energy and frustration trying to figure yourself out ... and maybe even trying to figure out what makes those other people in your life so difficult to deal with.

If can be a lonely road when you try to learn things about yourself by yourself. You ego wants you to figure things out on your own because the more people you invite into your circle, the more opportunity you will have to expose that ego for what it is: FEAR.

So you cannot possibly be objective about yourself.

With two private one-on-one coaching sessions, one at the beginning of the program to help set your intention, and one at the end to help you with your action plan, we will customize the experience for you so you can get the most out of what you've learned.

Insight without action makes no difference, so we will make sure you don't suffer from that all-too-familiar situation.

Complete Vault of REAL Me: Intensive Modules and Resources

The vault of modules allows you to keep coming back to re-learn and keep fresh these concepts that can be difficult to grasp if it's the first time you've heard them.

With resources curated to your specific challenges and ideas, you will find this a valuable treasure trove of articles, videos, audios, and truth bombs you can use to keep your awareness keen.

Once graduated, you have lifetime access to our vault. You will also be able to stay up on new trainings as we release them to our graduates.

Master Mind of Peers

Working on YOU can be a lonely venture, especially if you are trying out new skills without a sounding board. It can be invaluable to see how others are doing it. Going through this program in a cohort provides peer feedback and support, not to mention networking opportunities. 

Whole-hearted individuals have specific values. And for some of us this is brand new territory, so we begin to see the same old world in brand new ways. The people in our lives don't yet know how to support us in shifting from how they've always known us to be.

It's important to have peers who come from similar values because you'll be able to trust that the support and feedback you're given is coming from an authentic place.

Graduates of our program can become objective eyes and ears for you as you work through your challenges and celebrate your successes. The bonding that happens in our cohorts is REAL and long-lasting.

Discover and Define Your Destiny

One of the activities embedded in the REAL Me: Intensive course is the opportunity to discover and formulate a Purpose or Destiny Statement for your life.

This statement acts as a compass or a beacon to help you navigate the uncertainties everyday life has to give you.

Knowing your purpose allows you to live a more fulfilled and focused life, and helps give you enhanced impact, inspiration, and influence in all aspects of your life.

Quarterly Virtual Work Sessions and a Yearly In-Person Retreat*

Keeping the information and inspiration current and top-of-mind can be a challenge after the course is completed. With quarterly two-hour virtual work sessions, you will have an opportunity to be accountable WITH others as you share victories and challenges. These sessions will also allow you to maintain and build relationships that will support whatever the "do" of your work and outside-of-work life presents to you.

The yearly Chill Out Retreat - held in Fargo in January or February - will give you a jump start on the year. You will connect, communicate, and potentially collaborate with others you meet at this relaxed yet inspiring 2-day gathering, which includes additional optional adventures.

*For an additional fee


Your Investment

If we determine we are a good fit for each other, you will be invited to register for the course. The cost for the 6-week course is $750 for this next cohort of 10 people. We are currently taking applications for the Fall 2024 cohort, starting in September.

Join Others Who Are Ready to Experience JOY and FULFILLMENT by Getting REAL

Being authentic is FREEING! There is no obligation in completing the application process and you just might learn a bit more about yourself as you answer the questions!

Frequently Asked Questions

Like anything in life, you will get out of this course what you are willing to put into it. We can promise that if you commit to the process and put in the work, you will experience the results.



The insights you learned are definitely share-worthy, but remember that not everyone is ready for all the information you received. The activities we did and the conversations we had were unique to that group of folks, so be sure you're not overwhelming your friends with what we learned in six weeks.

In order for your friends to get the best results, of course they should participate themselves!


I'm so glad you loved the course! The next course in the series is called REAL We: Intensive, and will take your learning from the benefits you got individually and help you share those insights with a team or group. We will be opening applications for that course Q2 of 2023.

There is a membership option called REAL EA  (the REAL Early Adopters) where you meet weekly with a group of graduates to keep the learning fresh. 

You can always check with my website at JodeeBock.com for any upcoming courses.


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